EU Organic Dairy PH

What it truly means for something to be organic

Picture cows grazing happily on green fields, their contented moos filling the air, their milk brimming with nature’s pure goodness. This is the heart of organic dairy farming, where animals are treated with respect: their well-being a priority and their milk a gift rather than a product.​

Envision this milk transformed into a variety of dairy treats, each crafted with care and attention. Cheesemakers, guided by generations of tradition, turn milk into masterpieces of taste and texture. Yogurt makers, passionate about gut health and culinary innovation, coax milk into creamy, probiotic-rich delights.

Organic dairy is produced using only natural ingredients in organic production, which means artificial flavorings, colorants, sweeteners, pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and irradiation are not allowed.

In organic husbandry, animals should have the freedom to express their natural behaviors, and their feed must be organic.

Organic dairy products serve as a reminder that the food and drinks we consume provide not only fuel for our bodies but also peace of mind, knowing they’re produced with care for the environment. They echo the tenderness with which we care for ourselves, our loved ones, and the environment that sustains us all.

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